How SSI Cluster differ from PVM Cluster?
- Very easy to setup.
- No special hardware and software requirements.
- Applications need not to be recompiled for multicomputing environment.
Batch processing aaplications such as Backup(tar+zip) for mulitple files, Media Format Conversion for mulitiple files, Content filtering and e-mail virus scanning etc.
PVM stands for Parallel Virtual Machine, in which the cluster distributes a single task into crunches and processes them individually over the member nodes of the cluster. However, a major issue with this type of custering is the recompilation of the application with the PVM/MPI (Parallel Virtual Machine/Massge Passing Interface) libraries such as OpenMPI ( or OSCAR (
- Can distribute a single task requireing higher CPU Throughput into multiple sub-tasks.
- Node job assignment and thread management is taken care by parallely compiled application itself.
Applications that require more CPU crunching such as scientific applications, data modelling, weather forecasting etc.