Monday, June 15, 2009

The Grid Approach Towards Fighting Swine Flu

It has been unanimously agreed that Computational Grids are proven tool for complex and resource consuming computational challenges. It is evident that these challenges need not to be a routine laboratory experiment always.

Today's one of the similar challenge for the human race is to fight against the pandemic Swine Flue or Influenza H1N1. An adorable initiative has been started to delegate and utilize the idle computational cycles of voluntary contributor computers to find the best matching chemical compounds to fight against the virus.

For more information the visitor is requested to visit . Even you can contribute in this and other projects that are helpful for the entire human race, just by downloading a small program and voluntarily contributing the idle computational cycles of your computer from .

1 comment:

Dr. Balaram Gajra, PhD said...

The work on the anti-influenzic drugs by the grid computing is really interesting.
Try to get the softwares like mentioned in the link, which are required for the specific drug category research by GRID computing.

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