Saturday, April 28, 2007

How SSI Cluster differ from PVM Cluster?

SSI stands for Single System Image which is the simplest way of High Performance Computing, it uses a clustering middleware such as openMosix ( In the SSI cluster, all the member nodes in a Local Area Network collectively deliver performance as single virtual machine.


  • Very easy to setup.
  • No special hardware and software requirements.
  • Applications need not to be recompiled for multicomputing environment.


Batch processing aaplications such as Backup(tar+zip) for mulitple files, Media Format Conversion for mulitiple files, Content filtering and e-mail virus scanning etc.


PVM stands for Parallel Virtual Machine, in which the cluster distributes a single task into crunches and processes them individually over the member nodes of the cluster. However, a major issue with this type of custering is the recompilation of the application with the PVM/MPI (Parallel Virtual Machine/Massge Passing Interface) libraries such as OpenMPI ( or OSCAR (


  • Can distribute a single task requireing higher CPU Throughput into multiple sub-tasks.
  • Node job assignment and thread management is taken care by parallely compiled application itself.


Applications that require more CPU crunching such as scientific applications, data modelling, weather forecasting etc.


Anonymous said...

nice post xitijbhai

Anonymous said...

What's ur email address?

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